Saturday, September 13, 2014
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Professional Practice: Day 02
I. Examples of Unethical Behaviour
- Incorrectly billing time
- Sharing confidential information about a client
- Being negative about a competitor
- Embellishing your resume
- Failure to report an error discovered in plans and specifications
- Accepting gifts from contractors or vendors
- Being involved in a project that will have significant adverse environmental or safety impact
- Participating in a deceptive presentation to obtain work
- Failure to disclose relationships
- Conflict of interest
References1. BE103/BN201/MN501, Professional Practice, Melbourne Institute of Technology (MIT) Lecture Notes, 2014.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Data communications Day 2
I Error correction via Retransmission
1.1 Stop-and Wait ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest)
The sender stops and waits for a response from the receiver after each data packet.
1.2 Continuous ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest)
The sender does not wait for an acknowledgement after sending a message, it immediately sends the next one.
II. TCP Sequences
The client on either side of a TCP session maintains a 32-bit sequence number it uses to keep track of how much data it has sent. This sequence number is included on each transmitted packet, and acknowledged by the opposite host as an acknowledgement number to inform the sending host that the transmitted data was received successfully.
III Network Layer 3 IP Layer
What does a DNS server do? - to translate name and IP address and vice versa
What does a DHCP server do? - to assign an IP address for a local network computer.
What is the purpose of the default gateway? - to connect to Internet (out of the local area network).
Output the physical and IP address mappings
arp -a
Show a record of the sites you have visited
ipconfig /displaydns > c:\temp\dnscache.txt
Show TCP/IP statistics and details about TCP and UDP connections
netstat -a
To view PC's routing table
netstat -r
Test a PC's connectivity to the network
ping to check that CP/IP layers are working
3.5 Maximum Segment Size
1460 bytes + 20 bytes typical TCP header length + 20 bytes typical IP header length + 18 bytes Ethernet header and CRC = 1518 bytes. That is the maximum allowable packet size on an Ethernet network.
[1]. Jerry Fitzgerald, Alan Dennis and Alexandra Durcikova, Business Data Communications and Networking, 11th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
1.1 Stop-and Wait ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest)
The sender stops and waits for a response from the receiver after each data packet.
1.2 Continuous ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest)
The sender does not wait for an acknowledgement after sending a message, it immediately sends the next one.
- The packets that are retransmitted may be only those containing an error (called Link Access Protocol for Modems [LAP-M]. This is better because it is more efficient.
- The first packet with an error and all those that followed it (call Go-Back-N ARQ).
II. TCP Sequences
The client on either side of a TCP session maintains a 32-bit sequence number it uses to keep track of how much data it has sent. This sequence number is included on each transmitted packet, and acknowledged by the opposite host as an acknowledgement number to inform the sending host that the transmitted data was received successfully.
III Network Layer 3 IP Layer
What does a DNS server do? - to translate name and IP address and vice versa
What does a DHCP server do? - to assign an IP address for a local network computer.
What is the purpose of the default gateway? - to connect to Internet (out of the local area network).
Output the physical and IP address mappings
arp -a
Show a record of the sites you have visited
ipconfig /displaydns > c:\temp\dnscache.txt
Show TCP/IP statistics and details about TCP and UDP connections
netstat -a
To view PC's routing table
netstat -r
Test a PC's connectivity to the network
ping to check that CP/IP layers are working
3.5 Maximum Segment Size
1460 bytes + 20 bytes typical TCP header length + 20 bytes typical IP header length + 18 bytes Ethernet header and CRC = 1518 bytes. That is the maximum allowable packet size on an Ethernet network.
[1]. Jerry Fitzgerald, Alan Dennis and Alexandra Durcikova, Business Data Communications and Networking, 11th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Open-ended questions to start a conversation
I. Ask an open-ended question.
1. "What sort of books do you like?",
2. "What did you study?",
3. "Which is your favorite season? Why?",
4. "What are you doing right now?",
5. What types of movies do you like?
II. Know how to combine general remarks with open-ended questions.
1. That's a nice handbag, where did you get it?
2. What an amazing buffet! Which is your favorite dish?
3. Fantastic turnout! Which of the lecturers is your favorite?
4. I love your costume. What are your favorite sci-fi movies?
5. I love your shirt. Where do you usually go for clothes shopping?
III. Talk about the current events
1. Hey, did you hear about that helicopter crash? That was pretty crazy.
IV. Draw on previous discussions
For example, their kid’s milestone, one of their projects, or some bad news that they shared with you.
V. Ask questions that are easy to answer.
What are you up to? meaning, What are you doing today? or What is your schedule for today?
"Remember, whoever you are talking to, you always have something in common. We all experience the weather, like good food, and enjoy a good laugh. When in doubt, just talk to them about what they are there for. For example, if you meet them at a bus stop, ask them where they are going. If they are from out of town, ask them about their life at home [1]."
"Take a mental note of some amusing things that you saw or heard throughout the day. For example, something funny someone said, a fun activity you did with your friends, or anything interesting. This can give way to future conversation [1]."
"Developing your interests. It's easier to start interesting conversations when you invest in developing your own interests. Be familiar with your interest so that you can articulate them. Broaden and deepen your interests by having the attitude that you are interested in everything. Another way to broaden and deepen your interests is to ask questions about others' interests. If your friend loves baseball, ask him which teams and players look good this year or ask him questions that clarify the league structure [1]."
1. accessed date 29/08/2014
1. "What sort of books do you like?",
2. "What did you study?",
3. "Which is your favorite season? Why?",
4. "What are you doing right now?",
5. What types of movies do you like?
II. Know how to combine general remarks with open-ended questions.
1. That's a nice handbag, where did you get it?
2. What an amazing buffet! Which is your favorite dish?
3. Fantastic turnout! Which of the lecturers is your favorite?
4. I love your costume. What are your favorite sci-fi movies?
5. I love your shirt. Where do you usually go for clothes shopping?
III. Talk about the current events
1. Hey, did you hear about that helicopter crash? That was pretty crazy.
IV. Draw on previous discussions
For example, their kid’s milestone, one of their projects, or some bad news that they shared with you.
V. Ask questions that are easy to answer.
What are you up to? meaning, What are you doing today? or What is your schedule for today?
"Remember, whoever you are talking to, you always have something in common. We all experience the weather, like good food, and enjoy a good laugh. When in doubt, just talk to them about what they are there for. For example, if you meet them at a bus stop, ask them where they are going. If they are from out of town, ask them about their life at home [1]."
"Take a mental note of some amusing things that you saw or heard throughout the day. For example, something funny someone said, a fun activity you did with your friends, or anything interesting. This can give way to future conversation [1]."
"Developing your interests. It's easier to start interesting conversations when you invest in developing your own interests. Be familiar with your interest so that you can articulate them. Broaden and deepen your interests by having the attitude that you are interested in everything. Another way to broaden and deepen your interests is to ask questions about others' interests. If your friend loves baseball, ask him which teams and players look good this year or ask him questions that clarify the league structure [1]."
1. accessed date 29/08/2014
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Editing guidelines
The following shows a checklist for editing your own work [1].
1. Check spelling, grammar, constructions
2. Enhance visual impact
3. Consider practical details
4. Get second opinion
5. Back up
Please note: effective writing is clear, coherent, concise and accurate.
[1]. MN501 Professional Practice Lecture Notes, Melbourne Institute of Technology, Trimester 2, 2014.
1. Check spelling, grammar, constructions
2. Enhance visual impact
3. Consider practical details
4. Get second opinion
5. Back up
Please note: effective writing is clear, coherent, concise and accurate.
[1]. MN501 Professional Practice Lecture Notes, Melbourne Institute of Technology, Trimester 2, 2014.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Database Day 06: sqlplus Oracle commands (2)
1. Purge vs cascade constraints options
purge and cascade constraints options in drop table command
purge clause is used to remove table completely, without purse the deleted tables are still recoverable.
Specify CASCADE CONSTRAINTS to drop all referential integrity constraints that refer to primary and unique keys in the dropped table. If you omit this clause, and such referential integrity constraints exist, then the database returns an error and does not drop the table [3].
"Oracle Database 10g introduces a new feature for dropping tables. When you drop a table, the database does not immediately release the space associated with the table. Rather, the database renames the table and places it in a recycle bin, where it can later be recovered with the FLASHBACK TABLE statement if you find that you dropped the table in error. If you want to immediately release the space associated with the table at the time you issue the DROP TABLE statement, then include the PURGE clause as follows. DROP TABLE employees PURGE; Specify PURGE only if you want to drop the table and release the space associated with it in a single step. If you specify PURGE, then the database does not place the table and its dependent objects into the recycle bin. NOTE: You cannot roll back a DROP TABLE statement with the PURGE clause, and you cannot recover the table if you drop it with the PURGE clause. This feature was not available in earlier release."[1].
2. Format of the Date object
Date storage is often a problem with various DBMS's - for Oracle use the date data format of: 'DD-MMM-YYYY' in single quotes within an insert statement eg. '09-AUG-2014'.
3. Update statement
4. Date related SQL statements
4.1 To format date as 'DD-MM-YYYY' on display
E.g. SELECT ProductName, Price, FORMAT(Now(),'DD-MM-YYYY') AS PerDate
FROM Products;
4.2 The Oracle/PLSQL TO_DATE function converts a string to a date.
E.g. to_date('2014-08-22', 'yyyy-mm-dd') would return a date value of August 22, 2014
E.g. TO_DATE('2014/08/22', 'yyyy/mm/dd') would return a date value of August 22, 2014
E.g. TO_DATE('082214', 'MMDDYY') would return a date value of August 22, 2014
E.g. TO_DATE('20140822', 'yyyymmdd') would return a date value of August 22, 2014
5. "Columns defined with the VARCHAR2 datatype store variable-length alphanumeric data (including text, numbers, and special characters). The maximum length of the data is specified in the parentheses. VARCHAR2 is the most commonly used datatype and can store up to 4,000 bytes.
In contrast, the CHAR datatype (not shown in Figure 7) allows for fixed-length alphanumeric data only and stores a maximum of 2,000 bytes.
I recommend choosing VARCHAR2 over CHAR when you select an alphanumeric datatype to define text columns. With VARCHAR2, particularly if you choose an appropriate maximum length for your columns, you won’t waste storage space.
(Choosing a maximum of 4,000 bytes makes sense only if you truly believe that your column will ever contain data values that reach that size limit.) CHAR can waste storage space, because the data is always padded with blank space to the specified fixed length before it is stored." [2].
6. SQL data types
7. Oracle data types
--list all current tables in the db
select * from cat;
[1]., accessed date 22 August 2014.
[2]., accessed date 22 August 2014.
[3]., accessed date 22 August 2014.
[4]. accessed date 25/08/2014.
purge and cascade constraints options in drop table command
purge clause is used to remove table completely, without purse the deleted tables are still recoverable.
Specify CASCADE CONSTRAINTS to drop all referential integrity constraints that refer to primary and unique keys in the dropped table. If you omit this clause, and such referential integrity constraints exist, then the database returns an error and does not drop the table [3].
"Oracle Database 10g introduces a new feature for dropping tables. When you drop a table, the database does not immediately release the space associated with the table. Rather, the database renames the table and places it in a recycle bin, where it can later be recovered with the FLASHBACK TABLE statement if you find that you dropped the table in error. If you want to immediately release the space associated with the table at the time you issue the DROP TABLE statement, then include the PURGE clause as follows. DROP TABLE employees PURGE; Specify PURGE only if you want to drop the table and release the space associated with it in a single step. If you specify PURGE, then the database does not place the table and its dependent objects into the recycle bin. NOTE: You cannot roll back a DROP TABLE statement with the PURGE clause, and you cannot recover the table if you drop it with the PURGE clause. This feature was not available in earlier release."[1].
Date storage is often a problem with various DBMS's - for Oracle use the date data format of: 'DD-MMM-YYYY' in single quotes within an insert statement eg. '09-AUG-2014'.
3. Update statement
4. Date related SQL statements
4.1 To format date as 'DD-MM-YYYY' on display
E.g. SELECT ProductName, Price, FORMAT(Now(),'DD-MM-YYYY') AS PerDate
FROM Products;
4.2 The Oracle/PLSQL TO_DATE function converts a string to a date.
E.g. to_date('2014-08-22', 'yyyy-mm-dd') would return a date value of August 22, 2014
E.g. TO_DATE('2014/08/22', 'yyyy/mm/dd') would return a date value of August 22, 2014
E.g. TO_DATE('082214', 'MMDDYY') would return a date value of August 22, 2014
E.g. TO_DATE('20140822', 'yyyymmdd') would return a date value of August 22, 2014
5. "Columns defined with the VARCHAR2 datatype store variable-length alphanumeric data (including text, numbers, and special characters). The maximum length of the data is specified in the parentheses. VARCHAR2 is the most commonly used datatype and can store up to 4,000 bytes.
In contrast, the CHAR datatype (not shown in Figure 7) allows for fixed-length alphanumeric data only and stores a maximum of 2,000 bytes.
I recommend choosing VARCHAR2 over CHAR when you select an alphanumeric datatype to define text columns. With VARCHAR2, particularly if you choose an appropriate maximum length for your columns, you won’t waste storage space.
(Choosing a maximum of 4,000 bytes makes sense only if you truly believe that your column will ever contain data values that reach that size limit.) CHAR can waste storage space, because the data is always padded with blank space to the specified fixed length before it is stored." [2].
6. SQL data types
![]() |
SQL data types referene [4]. |
- numeric
- number
- char
- varchar
- date
8. set echo on and off commands
Add set echo on to allow commands to be echoed during execution
Add set echo on to allow commands to be echoed during execution
set echo on
add set echo off to turn off
set echo off
9. Roles and privileges
--select all the role name and granted role
select *
from role_role_privs
order by 1;
--Show role for the current user
--Show role for username 'FOO'
select *
from user_role_privs
where username='FOO';
--show all the privileges for 'TUTORROLE'
select *
from role_sys_privs
where role='TUTORROLE'
order by 1;
--show all the priviledges for 'TUTORROLE'
select *
from role_sys_privs
where role='STUDENTROLE'
order by 1;
--select all the role name and granted role
select *
from role_role_privs
order by 1;
--Show role for the current user
--Show role for username 'FOO'
select *
from user_role_privs
where username='FOO';
--show all the privileges for 'TUTORROLE'
select *
from role_sys_privs
where role='TUTORROLE'
order by 1;
--show all the priviledges for 'TUTORROLE'
select *
from role_sys_privs
where role='STUDENTROLE'
order by 1;
--list all current tables in the db
select * from cat;
[1]., accessed date 22 August 2014.
[2]., accessed date 22 August 2014.
[3]., accessed date 22 August 2014.
[4]. accessed date 25/08/2014.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Database Day 05: sqlplus Oracle commands (1)
1. To connect to a different database from a current command-line session
sql>connect username
E.g. sql>connect system;
sql>connect hr;
2. Change user's password
3. Change user's password and unlock the user account
4. Show all parameters
sql>show all;
5. Describe a table
desc <table_name>
6. Create a user with permissions using grant command
sql>create user <username that you want to set> identified by <password you want to set>;
User Created.
E.g. sql>create user foo identified by 123;
but again after user is created, you need to grant few rights for him/her.
SQL>grant connect,resource to <created username>;
Grant Succeeded.
E.g. sql>grant connect,resource to foo;
7. Show user
E.g. sql>show user;
8. To list all the tables you currently own
E.g. sql>select * from cat;
9 To show the contents of the table use the SQL SELECT command:
E.g. sql>select * from table_name;
10. To remove a table use the SQL DROP command:
E.g. drop table table_name purge;
Tables must be dropped in the reverse order from which they were created to protect the parent-child relationship (referential integrity) [1].
Basic ORACLE data types
Oracle remark command (rem) for comments
Bibliographies and References
1. FIT5132 Introduction to databases, S2-2014, Monash University
sql>connect username
E.g. sql>connect system;
sql>connect hr;
2. Change user's password
3. Change user's password and unlock the user account
4. Show all parameters
sql>show all;
5. Describe a table
desc <table_name>
6. Create a user with permissions using grant command
sql>create user <username that you want to set> identified by <password you want to set>;
User Created.
E.g. sql>create user foo identified by 123;
but again after user is created, you need to grant few rights for him/her.
SQL>grant connect,resource to <created username>;
Grant Succeeded.
E.g. sql>grant connect,resource to foo;
7. Show user
E.g. sql>show user;
8. To list all the tables you currently own
E.g. sql>select * from cat;
9 To show the contents of the table use the SQL SELECT command:
E.g. sql>select * from table_name;
10. To remove a table use the SQL DROP command:
E.g. drop table table_name purge;
Tables must be dropped in the reverse order from which they were created to protect the parent-child relationship (referential integrity) [1].
Basic ORACLE data types
![]() |
Basic Oracle data types [1]. |
![]() |
REM command to create a REMARK line in the script [1]. |
1. FIT5132 Introduction to databases, S2-2014, Monash University
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Problem solving skills exercises Day 01
1. You found three job offers on the career search website. What things can you do to most thoroughly investigate your potential employers?
Think about: employers' websites, read and watch the news about the companies, research employers' financial situations, speak to the staff who work for them, etc.
2.Every Monday, your teacher gives you a quiz on the reading he assigned for the weekend. Since he typically assigns at least 50 pages of textbook reading, the quizzes are difficult and you have not gotten good grades on them so far. What is your best idea for troubleshooting this problem and improving your grades?
Think about: time to release the assignment, time spent on weekends for study, time to get up on Monday, the quality of sleep on Sunday night, etc.
3. You read a story in the newspaper about salary negotiations involving public transportation workers. The workers are threatening to go on strike tomorrow if their demands for higher wages and better benefits are not met. What inferences can be made from this scenario?
Think about: health insurance premiums, cost of petrol, public commuters, employers, etc.
1. Lauren Starkey, Critical thinking skills success in 20 minutes a day, LearningExpress, LLC, New York 2004.
Think about: employers' websites, read and watch the news about the companies, research employers' financial situations, speak to the staff who work for them, etc.
2.Every Monday, your teacher gives you a quiz on the reading he assigned for the weekend. Since he typically assigns at least 50 pages of textbook reading, the quizzes are difficult and you have not gotten good grades on them so far. What is your best idea for troubleshooting this problem and improving your grades?
Think about: time to release the assignment, time spent on weekends for study, time to get up on Monday, the quality of sleep on Sunday night, etc.
3. You read a story in the newspaper about salary negotiations involving public transportation workers. The workers are threatening to go on strike tomorrow if their demands for higher wages and better benefits are not met. What inferences can be made from this scenario?
Think about: health insurance premiums, cost of petrol, public commuters, employers, etc.
1. Lauren Starkey, Critical thinking skills success in 20 minutes a day, LearningExpress, LLC, New York 2004.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Common attributes and generic skills universities included in their curriculum
The following list the common attributes and generic skills that most universities include in their curriculum.
1. Written and oral communication
2. Critical and analytical (and sometimes creative and reflective) thinking
3. Problem-solving (including generating ideas and innovative solutions)
4. Information literacy, often associated with technology
5. Learning and working independently
6. Learning and working collaboratively
7. Ethical and inclusive engagement with communities, cultures and nations
8. Life-long learner
[1] Biggs, J. (1999). Teaching for Quality Learning at University. Buckingham: SRHE and Open University Press.
1. Written and oral communication
2. Critical and analytical (and sometimes creative and reflective) thinking
3. Problem-solving (including generating ideas and innovative solutions)
4. Information literacy, often associated with technology
5. Learning and working independently
6. Learning and working collaboratively
7. Ethical and inclusive engagement with communities, cultures and nations
8. Life-long learner
[1] Biggs, J. (1999). Teaching for Quality Learning at University. Buckingham: SRHE and Open University Press.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Teaching and learning taxonomy table
Monday, August 4, 2014
Monday, July 28, 2014
Problem-based learning Day 01
What Is Problem-based Learning [1]?
The basic principle supporting the concept of PBL is older than formal education itself; namely, learning is initiated by a posed problem, query, or puzzle that the learner wants to solve (Boud & Feletti, 1991).
In the problem-based approach, complex, real-world problems are used to motivate students to identify and research the concepts and principles they need to know to work through those problems.
Students work in small learning teams, bringing together collective skill at acquiring, communicating,
and integrating information.
Problem-based instruction addresses directly many of the recommended and desirable outcomes of an undergraduate education: specifically, the ability to do the following:
1. Barbara_J._Duch, Susan_E._Groh, and Deborah_E._Allen, The Power of Problem-Based Learning: A Practical How To for Teaching Undergraduate Courses in Any Discipline, 2001.
The basic principle supporting the concept of PBL is older than formal education itself; namely, learning is initiated by a posed problem, query, or puzzle that the learner wants to solve (Boud & Feletti, 1991).
In the problem-based approach, complex, real-world problems are used to motivate students to identify and research the concepts and principles they need to know to work through those problems.
Students work in small learning teams, bringing together collective skill at acquiring, communicating,
and integrating information.
Problem-based instruction addresses directly many of the recommended and desirable outcomes of an undergraduate education: specifically, the ability to do the following:
- Think critically and be able to analyze and solve complex, real-world problems
- Find, evaluate, and use appropriate learning resources
- Work cooperatively in teams and small groups
- Demonstrate versatile and effective communication skills, both verbal and written
- Use content knowledge and intellectual skills acquired at the university to become continual learners
1. Barbara_J._Duch, Susan_E._Groh, and Deborah_E._Allen, The Power of Problem-Based Learning: A Practical How To for Teaching Undergraduate Courses in Any Discipline, 2001.
Type of Interruptions and Causes of Procrastination
I Type of Interruptions
1. Personal interruptions
1. MN501 Professional Practice Lecture Notes, Melbourne Institute of Technology, 2014
1. Personal interruptions
- Email alert or personal messenger
- Telephone calls
- Personal cell phones
- Web surfing
- Dealing with information
- Fellow employees
- Meet fellow employees at their workplace
- Schedule meetings
- Visitors
- Meetings
- Poor time management, often associated with a distorted sense of the time available
- An inability to prioritise
- Overload of tasks at a specific time
- Anxiety about the task, so time is spent worrying rather than doing
- Difficulty concentrating
- Not knowing what is required
- Feeling overwhelmed by the task(s)
- Fear of success and its possible consequences
- Perfectionism, often associated with unrealistic standards
- Negative feelings - e.g. "I'm stupid", "nothing ever goes right for me"
- All-or-nothing thinking, where one setback is seen as a total catastrophe
- Being bored by the task
- Never having learned how to work or sort out problems while at school or living at home
- Avoidance of things which are disliked or difficult.
1. MN501 Professional Practice Lecture Notes, Melbourne Institute of Technology, 2014
Friday, July 25, 2014
Data communications Day 01: Topics covered
Data communications
1. Physical layer
2. Data-link layer
3. Network layer
4. Transport layer
5. Session layer
6. Presentation layer
7. Application layer
8. Wireless networks
9. Network security
10. Virtual LAN
Application layer
1. Wireshark
4. Email SMTP, POP
Datalink layer
1. Ethernet protocol (CSMA/CD)
Network layer
1. IP addressing
2. IP protocol
3. Subnetting
Transport layer
1. TCP
2. Flow control
1. Define LAN (Local Area Networks)
1. Physical layer
2. Data-link layer
3. Network layer
4. Transport layer
5. Session layer
6. Presentation layer
7. Application layer
8. Wireless networks
9. Network security
10. Virtual LAN
Application layer
1. Wireshark
4. Email SMTP, POP
Datalink layer
1. Ethernet protocol (CSMA/CD)
Network layer
1. IP addressing
2. IP protocol
3. Subnetting
Transport layer
1. TCP
2. Flow control
1. Define LAN (Local Area Networks)
- Group of computers connected on the same cable
- Group of computers are in a confined area
- Group of computers communicate with a high speed data transmission
2. Reasons to develop LANs
- Share information (e.g. access same data files, exchange information via emails) leading to improve decision making
- Share resources (e.g. printers, scanners, applications) leading to save costs
3. How do LANs differ from MANs, WANs, and BNs?
Operating system Day 10 Fetch-Decode-Execute CPU cycle
- First, CPU fetches the instruction addressed by the Program Counter (PC) to the Memory Address Register (MAR). At the end of fetch operation, PC will point to the address of the next instruction for the next cycle.
- Second, the instruction in the IR gets decoded by the decoder. Data required from the memory will be loaded to the Memory Data Register (MDR) via data bus.
- Execute the instruction
Business Intelligence Modelling with Spreadsheet Day 01
- Linear programming for resource allocation problems
- Integer linear programming and goal programming
- Sensitivity analysis
- Network modelling and transportation and assignment problems
- Distribution problems
- Decision trees for analysis and support
- Inventory modelling and management problems
- Time series analysis and forecasting problems
- Queuing theory for performance analysis
- Simulation problems
Python programming Day 06
The append method modifies a list while the + operator creates a new list
>>> t1 = [1, 2]
>>> t2 = t1.append(3)
>>> print t1
[1, 2, 3]
>>> print t2
>>> t3 = t1 + [4]
>>> print t3
[1, 2, 3, 4]
The below function doesn't delete the head of a list
def bad_delete_head(lis):
lis = lis[1:]
The below function deletes the head of a list
def correct_delete_head(lis):
return lis[1:]
The correct_delete_head function leaves the original list unmodified.
>>> letters = ['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> rest = correct_delete_head(letters)
>>> print rest
['b', 'c']
Most list methods modify the argument and return None. This is the opposite of the string methods, which return a new string and leave the original alone.
Allen B. Downey, Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist,
>>> t1 = [1, 2]
>>> t2 = t1.append(3)
>>> print t1
[1, 2, 3]
>>> print t2
>>> t3 = t1 + [4]
>>> print t3
[1, 2, 3, 4]
The below function doesn't delete the head of a list
def bad_delete_head(lis):
lis = lis[1:]
The below function deletes the head of a list
def correct_delete_head(lis):
return lis[1:]
The correct_delete_head function leaves the original list unmodified.
>>> letters = ['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> rest = correct_delete_head(letters)
>>> print rest
['b', 'c']
Most list methods modify the argument and return None. This is the opposite of the string methods, which return a new string and leave the original alone.
Allen B. Downey, Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist,
Teaching adult learners Day 01
Characteristics of adult learners
Goals oriented
Autonomous learner, self-directed
Life experiences relevant
Instructional tactics
Think pair-share
Snow balls
Peers interview
Multiple intelligences survey
Analysis of algorithms Day 01
When are you going to multiply steps and when are you going to add steps? In particular, when there is a for loop.
There are three assumptions for a random access machine.
1. Memory access time is free or constant O(1).
2. Simple operations take one step.
3. Loops count as often as they run.
There are three assumptions for a random access machine.
1. Memory access time is free or constant O(1).
2. Simple operations take one step.
3. Loops count as often as they run.
Distributed systems Day 01
Networked architectures can use different kinds of Brokers
- Object Request Broker (ORB)
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- All software entities are Clients/Service Providers, and they want to work together
- Peer to peer
- There is no distinction between Clients and Service Providers
- All resources are peers-both clients and service providers
- Peers can advertise their services-directly (via broadcast) or to a "super peer". A super peer is like a "mini-broker". It knows about the services provided by the peers in its cluster/group
- Grid Computing
- Cloud Computing
- Users/enterprises access services over the Internet
- Some basic services exist in the "Cloud" that is the Internet
- The Client Web Browser has many processes
- User Interface: clicks, mouse, keyboard
- Browser Engine
- Allows user to navigate through Web pages
- Should be platform independent
- Rendering Engine
- Displays documents
- Script Interpreter
- Scripting support for user interaction
Wireshark Day 01
What is the purpose of network analysis?
- To understand the performance of the network
- To understand the network traffic following through the network
- To verify the security of the application during launch, login and data transfer stages
- To analyze application behavior
- To identify network performance problems
- To identify network security breaches
- Detect bottle neck in the network e.g. high latency between hosts
- Identify where packets are lost
- Locate faulty network devices
- Tapping into network traffic to see unencrypted information (data, email, etc.)
Database Day 04: Database vs Flat files
A database is a collection of integrated and related tables.
DBMS: software application that is used to create, maintain, and provide controlled access to user databases
Metadata is data that describes the properties or characteristics of other data. It allows database designers and users to understand what the data means.
Disadvantages of flat files
The information resides in database structures (e.g. tables), and applications access the information through the DBMS.
Complex application interface
Difficult to control concurrent access
Program-data dependence: the program needs to know the format of the data
Duplication of data
Data may be difficult to locate
Difficult data sharing
Lengthy development times
Excessive program maintenance (e.g. changing the data format means all applications have to change, at the same time)
Represents users view of data (e.g. reports, queries)
Emphasis on integration and sharing of data
Reduces data redundancy
Eliminates inter-dependence between programs and data
Improved data quality
Increased productivity of application development
Reduced program maintenance
Easier to extract information
Security is improved
Integrity can be assured
Installation and management costs
Complexity of DBMS
Powerful hardware needed to handle load
Need for explicit backup and recovery
Applications may be dependent of specific DBMS platforms or versions
Initial cost for implementation may be large
Examples of databases: customer database, flights database, CDs databases, product databases, books database, billing database, students database, movies database.
When there is a need to store records of something (e.g. students, bank accounts, eBay items) we can create a database.
DBMS: software application that is used to create, maintain, and provide controlled access to user databases
Metadata is data that describes the properties or characteristics of other data. It allows database designers and users to understand what the data means.
Disadvantages of flat files
- Two users modifying information at the same time
- Programs using the file must know the format of the file
- We can store only limited types of elements, mainly text
The information resides in database structures (e.g. tables), and applications access the information through the DBMS.
Complex application interface
Difficult to control concurrent access
Program-data dependence: the program needs to know the format of the data
Duplication of data
Data may be difficult to locate
Difficult data sharing
Lengthy development times
Excessive program maintenance (e.g. changing the data format means all applications have to change, at the same time)
Represents users view of data (e.g. reports, queries)
Emphasis on integration and sharing of data
Reduces data redundancy
Eliminates inter-dependence between programs and data
Improved data quality
Increased productivity of application development
Reduced program maintenance
Easier to extract information
Security is improved
Integrity can be assured
Installation and management costs
Complexity of DBMS
Powerful hardware needed to handle load
Need for explicit backup and recovery
Applications may be dependent of specific DBMS platforms or versions
Initial cost for implementation may be large
Examples of databases: customer database, flights database, CDs databases, product databases, books database, billing database, students database, movies database.
When there is a need to store records of something (e.g. students, bank accounts, eBay items) we can create a database.
Critical thinking skills Day 01
learn to identify valid and invalid arguments
learn to do inferences
learn to be an independent thinker
learn to be reasoning
Standard: Breadth
encompassing multiple viewpoints
Do we need to look at this from another perspective?
Do we need to consider another point of view?
Do we need to look at this in other ways?
Standard: Clarity
understandable, the meaning can be grasped
Could you elaborate further?
Could you give me an example?
Could you illustrate what you mean?
Standard: Accuracy
free from errors or distortions, true
How could we check on that?
How could we find out if that is true?
How could we verify or test that?
Standard: Precision
exact to the necessary level of detail
Could you be more specific?
Could you give me more details?
Could you be more exact?
Standard: Relevance
relating to the matter at hand
How does that relate to the problem?
How does that bear on the question?
How does that help us with the issue?
Standard: Depth
containing complexities and multiple interrelationships
What factors make this a difficult problem?
What are some of the complexities of this question?
What are some of the difficulties we need to deal with?
Standard: Logic
the parts make sense together, no contradictions
Does all this make sense together?
Does your first paragraph fit in with your last?
Does what you say follow from the evidence?
Standard: Significance
focusing on the important, not trivial
Is this the most important problem to consider?
Is this the central idea to focus on?
Which of these facts are most important?
Standard: Fairness
Justifiable, not self-serving or one-sided
Do I have any vested interest in this issue?
Am I sympathetically representing the viewpoints of others?
Problem solving skills Day 01
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Writing skills Day 01
How to begin a new paragraph. Useful linking words and phrases.
Include linking words and phrases at the start of each new paragraph. Doing so helps to link what you have said in the previous paragraph to what you are about to say in your new paragraph.These link words and phrases are often referred to as signposts. This is because they help to indicate to the reader when one point ends and other begins, as well as the relationship between each point.
Used with care and consistency they can help to guide examiners and tutors through your essay. As well as bolster the impression of a coherent, flowing and logical piece of work.
Useful linking words and phrases that can be used at the start of new paragraphs:
Although, …
As a consequence, …
As a result, …
As we have seen, …
At the same time, …
Accordingly, …
An equally significant aspect of…
Another, significant factor in…
Before considering X it is important to note Y
By the same token, …
But we should also consider, …
Despite these criticisms, …it’s popularity remains high.
Certainly, there is no shortage of disagreement within…
Consequently, …
Correspondingly, …
Conversely, …
Chaytor, … in particular, has focused on the
Despite this, …
Despite these criticisms, … the popularity of X remains largely undiminished.
Each of these theoretical positions make an important contribution to our understanding of, …
Evidence for in support of this position, can be found in…,
For this reason, …
For these reasons, …
Furthermore, …
Given, the current high profile debate with regard to, …it is quite surprising that …
Given, the advantages of … outlined in the previous paragraph, …it is quite predictable that …
However, …
Having considered X, it is also reasonable to look at …
Hence, …
In addition to, …
In contrast, …
In this way, …
In this manner, …
In the final analysis, …
In short, …
Indeed, …
It can be seen from the above analysis that, …
It could also be said that, …
It is however, important to note the limitations of…
It is important however not to assume the applicability of, …in all cases.
It is important however not to overemphasis the strengths of …
In the face of such criticism, proponents of, …have responded in a number of ways.
Moreover, …
Notwithstanding such criticism, ….it’s popularity remains largely undiminished.
Notwithstanding these limitations, ….it worth remains in a number of situations.
Noting the compelling nature of this new evidence, …has suggested that.
Nevertheless, …remains a growing problem.
Nonetheless, the number of, …has continued to expand at an exponential rate.
Despite these criticisms, …it’s popularity remains high.
On the other hand, critics of, …point to its blindness, with respect to.
Of central concern therefore to, …sociologists is explaining how societal processes and institutions…
Proponents of…, have also suggested that…
Subsequently, …
Similarly, …
The sentiment expressed in the quotation, embodies the view that, …
This interpretation of, … has not been without it’s detractors however.
This approach is similar to the, …. position
This critique, unfortunately, implies a singular cause of, …
This point is also sustained by the work of, …
Thirdly, …
The use of the term, …
Therefore, …
There appears then to be an acceleration in the growth of
There is also, however, a further point to be considered.
These technological developments have greatly increased the growth in, …
Thus, …
To be able to understand, …
Undoubtedly, …
While such failures must not be discounted, … there were in comparison small, when compared
Whilst the discussion in the preceding paragraph, …
Whether crime rates were actually lower at this time continues to be a matter of debate. Evidence from…
There are an almost limitless number of linking phrases and words one can use. What is important is that they complement the style of your writing and clearly link the start of each new paragraph, with the preceding paragraph.
Use these examples to arouse your creativity.
Finally, remember to succinctly, identify the key paragraphs and/or sections of your essay during your introductory paragraph. Then restate them along side an unambiguous position in your concluding paragraph. Again this will help to communicate a clear and understandable progression and structure, to those who read or mark your essay.
Note that the above collection of writing tips belongs to the respected author, meaning the author of this blog is not the author of these tips.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Professional Practice: Day 01
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Slide captured in "Professional Practice" lecture notes [1]. |
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Slide captured in "Professional Practice" lecture notes [1]. |
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Slide captured in "Professional Practice" lecture notes [1]. |
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Slide captured in "Professional Practice" lecture notes [1]. |
1. BE103/BN201/MN501, Professional Practice, Melbourne Institute of Technology (MIT) Lecture Notes, 2014.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Friday, July 18, 2014
Intelligent systems day 01: Agents & Environments
David Poole and Alan Mackworth, Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents, (Accessed on 18 July 2014).
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