Sunday, February 12, 2017

SQL Examples: in, case when then, inline view, over(partition by)

select department_id, employee_id, first_name, last_name,


when hire_date = first_hire and hire_date = last_hire

then 'Shortest and Longest Serving'

when hire_date = first_hire then 'Longest Serving'

when hire_date = last_hire then 'Shortest Serving'

end Department_Tenure

from (

select department_id, employee_id, first_name, last_name, hire_date,

max(hire_date) over(partition by department_id) first_hire,

min(hire_date) over(partition by department_id) last_hire

from hr.employees

) Hire_Dates

where hire_date in (first_hire, last_hire)

order by department_id, department_tenure;

G Allen, B Bryla, D Kuhn, and C Allen, "Oracle SQL Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach", 1st ed, Apress, 2009.

Mounting USB drives in Windows Subsystem for Linux

Windows Subsystem for Linux can use (mount): SD card USB drives CD drives (CDFS) Network drives UNC paths Local storage / drives Drives form...