- lastb : show details of failed logins
- last : display the last login and logout details of all users
- uptime: display how long the system has been running
- who: list of users who are currently logged in to the system
- w: display information about users currently logged in to the system
- telinit: change run levels (e.g. single user mode: run level 1)
- netstat -rn: check the default gateway on an unix/linux machine
Useful Linux commands
- apropos: search for strings that exist in each Linux command e.g. apropos printing
- cat /etc/shells: list all available shells in the system
- set: display all environmental settings
Managing users and groups
Managing partitions
- fdisk: mange partition table
- sfdisk: manage partition table
- parted: a partition manipulation program
- partprobe: inform the OS of partition table changes
Manage packages using RPM
- rpm -i packagename: install a package
- rpm -F packagename: reinstall a package
- rpm -U packagename: upgrade a package
- rpm -e package name: remove a package
- rpm -qa list all packages that are installed on your system
- yum install R R-core R-core-devel R-devel //to install R in Linux/Centos